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The Beginning

Our passion for great craft beer started over 20 years ago in the Pacific Northwest, where our Founder, CEO and Pharmacist (Mike Peerson) was introduced to some of the finest craft beers on the planet.  After moving to Arkansas, Mike quickly learned that the craft beer he was enjoying in the greater Seattle area was not available, so he did what any craft beer lover would do; he had his friends ship it to him any way they could.  It would not be unusual to him making a trip to the airport to pick up luggage filled with an assortment of fine beer.


Over a decade later, Mike’s youngest daughter met a young man named Levi, who in a very short time became not only a son-in-law but a new best friend that shared the same passions as Mike -  except for the craft beer part. 


The Inspiration

Levi’s introduction to craft beer was born from a shared passion for the great outdoors.  Mike & Levi did a four day hiking trip around the Maroon Bells in Aspen, CO.  Upon completing the challenging hike, Mike took Levi to a craft brewery to celebrate the accomplishment, and “ wallah", a new shared passion was born.  Levi mentioned that it would be great to make great beer for a living, and Mike responded with, “Let's start in the garage first." 


The Passion

Upon returning from Colorado, Mike and Levi went straight to the local home brew store and bought a kit brew.  The beer turned out great but wasn’t adventurous enough, so the duo quickly turned to all grain brewing.  Mike went straight to work on creating unique recipes leveraging his knowledge and passion for the microbiology and chemistry behind yeast, starches, enzymes and fermentation, while Levi went to work on beer names to support the recipes and the brand they were creating.

Our Brand / Our Purpose

Our homebrews were a big hit with the family and before long we had friends and extended family coming together just to enjoy great craft beer.  This phenomena of people coming together (rendezvous) at a place to enjoy great tasting beer  (junction) was the inspiration behind our brand.  Crafting great tasting beer that brings people together quickly transformed into “Crafting beer that brings taste & buds together”. 


The Logo - What's Behind the Train?

Rogers, AR was founded as a stop on the St. Louis and San Francisco (Frisco) Railroad on May 10, 1881, the day the first train pulled into town to be greeted by an enthusiastic crowd. We founded Rendezvous Junction Brewing Company in Rogers and chose to brand it as a train bringing great tasting craft beer and an enthusiastic crowd together.  


What's Up with the Beer Names?

The beer naming took on a life of its own.  Once we decided that the names must correlate to the beer and what happens when people come together, the creative juices of the family (largely Levi) came to life.


Today, as we continue to produce new beers from our side-tracked series, we ask our tastebuds to help us with names that carry a unique characteristic that ties the beer directly or indirectly associated with people coming together. 


Meet The Leadership Team


Mike Peerson

Founder & CEO

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Levi Taylor


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Ken Warden

Chief Operating Officer

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© 2016 by Rendezvous Junction Brewing Company

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